Sunday, December 21, 2014

Everybody started as a Beginner

As a beginner, I search every corner of a room to win new knowledge for blog improvements. I admit that by now, my blog is not my ideal blog, but what matter is that I am fully aware that I can do better than what I have as of today. The first 6 months in blogging will serve as a training ground to become a real blogger. This stage will be the 'Trial-and-error' stage for we will discover our readers' likes and dislikes.

For my first month, one of the most important lesson I've learn is the importance of Feedback. In this way, you'll be able to hear your readers comments, whether positive or negative, you should accept them and treat them as a challenge.

On my first post, I've receive positive comments. That made me happy and more inspired in posting and sharing my day-to-day outfit. (TIP: If you want to receive more comments, leave comments to other blogs too, in this way, you are giving them a chance to improve their blogs at the same time, they will be able to see your presence. This is very helpful especially to beginners like me.)

I hope that you learn something from me. 

From Blogging tips, let's move on to Style tips. Above is my Outfit of the Day (OOTD). Minimalism again and again. It is highly suggested to store white button down (WBD) every woman's closet, actually, what I am referring is the pair longsleeves but mine has a touch of teenage style -- studded collar and cut-out shoulders. I tucked-in the front part of my WBD inside my low rise black shorts, while the back part was left hanging to give a layered effect.

On my left hand is the vintage casio watch and my black rosary. I just can't go out without any accessories on my hand. Hehe!

Featuring my newly thrifted white chunky sandals. My new favorites! I've been hunting these since forever, and thank God I found them at Star Mall Alabang (RTW Surplus).

What do you think on my OOTD? If you've been inspired by my look, don't forget to tag me on my instagram account (@jamaicafelichi). Thank you! Have a good night.

@jamaicafelichi 💋

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